b-qual news NOVEMBER 2024
2 min readWhat is B-Qual doing to protect your honey?
With the concern that Australian honey could be swept into an adulteration scandal, as was threatened in 2018, B-QUAL has been working to provide an add-on to B-QUAL to defend Australian honey. This add-on allows a B-QUAL member to communicate directly with an Australian honey analytical laboratory for its testing requirements. This direct communication ensures that the laboratory loads the test data directly into your B-QUAL to store it for marketing purposes and enable comparisons as your business grows.
This honey testing is identified by a batch number, which, through B-QUAL, can link to the source of the honey at the biogeographical zone level, providing accurate traceability for each batch of honey. As there is a new trend to ‘adulterate’ data, B-QUAL has partnered with the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research, an astronomy centre based at the University of Western Australia (https://www.icrar.org/), to create a blockchain system to protect this traceability data.
The next step is to link beekeepers with packer companies so that when a packer buys a batch of honey, the beekeeper can also provide access to the blockchain-protected data associated with that batch for marketing purposes. This system will prove the value of high value monofloral honey and honey types that meet the new ISO Raw standard.
AHBIC’s initiative for Australia to join Standards Australia (https://www.standards.org.au/) and the International Committees for honey bee products has highlighted the need for Australia to know and prove the chemical characteristics of its honey bee products. Australia is exposed when exporting as it must comply with the CODEX standard and the new ISO standard when ratified. To prove any anomalies with any honey types produced by our mostly endemic flora, Australia requires published peer-reviewed papers to make a case.
Thankfully, several B-QUAL members have been submitting samples of their honey harvests for testing and inclusion in the Australian Honey Library to help with this case. This initiative was funded by a Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Traceability Grant—Round 1 grant. The amassing of quality analytical data on our honeybee products must continue and expand to protect the Australian honeybee product industry. B-QUAL is focused on being an integral part of this drive to increase the value of Australian honeybee products.
Minimising RISK with Fair Work and WorkSafe Claims against your Business
Every business in the country reports to at least 3 regulatory authorities:
- The ATO.
- Fair Work and
- WorkSafe.
The ATO is the easy one. The Accountant puts it in place and we follow the bouncing ball.
Fairwork and WorkSafe are the hard ones. With contains changes, the requirement for Policy, Process and Proof, it represents SUBSTANTIAL RISK for Business Owners.
If you would not dream of having an Accountant when these two regulatory authorities are the hard one, it is important to GET SUPPORT!!
Getting support
Considering the ever-changing HR and OH&S landscapes, it is important for Business Owners and Operators to stay ahead of the curve and understand the impact of legislative changes upon their business. It is also a statutory obligation for all businesses to have a compliant OH&S system.
It is our intention to both proactively and strategically protect the business owners and operators regarding HR and OH&S. It is important for us to assist our members in having the relevant Policy, Process and Proof to facilitate this.
That is why we work with you 24/7/365. It is also our intention that these systems assist with enhancing the return on investment form your labour fixed costs, which I personally feel more than covers the cost for this compliance.
We are here to take work off your table and provide you with the peace of mind and confidence that you are supported and protected as both a business and an individual.
We provide peace-of-mind and confidence.
Peninsula is “NOT” a Government organisation. We are a proudly independent company helping Business Owners proactively and strategically protect their businesses regarding HR and OH&S.
Let us take the load.
Peninsula will work with you to navigate and manage confusing workplace requirements. We are here to support YOU.
How does it work?
By advising, assisting and supplying robust Policy, Process and Proof, (record keeping systems).
We take a huge administrative component from your business. By customising and providing employment documentation including contracts, employee handbooks, employee letters and correspondence, performance management and disciplinary materials and a variety of other bespoke materials.
By providing 24/7 advice and support in relation to FairWork and Work Safe legislation, compliance, managing employment relations matters and holding difficult conversations. In fact, anything to do with Employment Relations and Work Health and Safety.
Providing access to our Award-Winning Legal Partner for legal representation.
Safeguarding our clients against the financial costs of workplace claims. This is subject to the terms and conditions of the attached PDS.
PLUS our BrightSafe and BrightHR Software Solutions, which can help you get on top of Work Health and Safety compliance, rostering, leave management, expense management and document management.
Additional resources for review
Please take a moment to view this short video clip.
Please also click on the following link for Trustpilot reviews. We have an excellent 4.8 stars out of five across over 1800 reviews.
With over 31,000 clients just like you, Peninsula is a brand you can trust at a price you can afford.
Get in touch for details and to sign up
Office: Phone: 07 4994 9820
B-QUAL email: admin@bqual.com.au
B-TRACE email: admin@btrace.com.au
Join B-TRACE QA and Food Safety Program:
“Accurate record-keeping is the backbone of a successful food safety program.”

Food safety is crucial for maintaining health standards and ensuring that food doesn’t cause harm to consumers. One vital aspect that everyone involved in food production, from farmers, food manufacturers, and beekeepers must focus on is strict record keeping. Joining the B-TRACE QA and Food Safety Program is one way to help achieve this goal and enhance food safety practices by using the B-TRACE hive management app.
The B-TRACE program encourages small and medium enterprise beekeeping operators to put reliable, systematic practices in place to ensure that all aspects of food safety are handled correctly.
What is B-TRACE?
B-TRACE could stand for “Building Traceability Assurance for Compliance and Excellence.” The program is designed to equip beekeepers with the tools and knowledge they need to ensure food safety from apiary to consumer.
The primary aim of B-TRACE is to enable operators to track and monitor every aspect of honey production. This includes gathering, processing, packaging, and distribution. Keeping accurate records allows businesses to pinpoint any problematic areas before they lead to significant issues.
Why Join B-TRACE?
There are several reasons why being a part of the B-TRACE QA and Food Safety Program is beneficial:
1. Enhanced Safety Standards:
By joining B-TRACE, you align your practices with industry standards that emphasize food safety and quality.
2. Improved Traceability:
With the use of the B-TRACE hive management app, you can easily trace products. This is critical in the event of a food recall.
3. Better Consumer Confidence:
When customers know that a company is dedicated to safety, they are more likely to trust its products.
4. Regulatory Compliance:
Participating in B-TRACE helps ensure that your organization meets all industry standards and requirements for food safety and record keeping.
Statistics show that businesses with strong record-keeping are less likely to experience safety violations. Keeping accurate records allows companies to identify trends and improve their safety protocols effectively. As part of B-TRACE, you will have access to templates and software designed to simplify this process.
Benefits of Effective Record Keeping
1. Liability Protection:
In case of illness reports or food recalls, having excellent records can protect your business legally.
2. Operational Efficiency:
When everything is documented, it becomes easier and quicker to find crucial information, thereby allowing for better decision-making.
3. Employee Training:
Records provide a history of incidents and safety measures. They are valuable tools for training employees on food safety practices.
4. Quality Control:
Systematic record keeping can help identify areas for quality improvement.
Make the move now contact BTRACE via www.btrace.com.au or phone 07 4994 9820

B-TRACE Audits.
If you have not yet submitted your online audit for the current year, please do so to keep your accreditation up to date.
The online audit form is available in the member section of the B-TRACE website or alternatively, contact admin@btrace.com.au and we will email one to you.
Once completed email back to the office.
Allow 5-7 days for audit review and issue of the accreditation certificate.
B-QUAL and/or B-TRACE logos.
Pre-printed logo labels are available from the office.
B-TRACE 30mm lid labels full colour
$26.50/1000 (plus GST and postage)

B-QUAL 12mm jar labels full colour
$ 22.50/1000 (plus GST and postage)
If you are printing your own labels high Res’ artwork is available free of charge.

B-QUAL Self Assessments.
If you have purchased your Approved Supplier Manual but have not yet submitted the self-assessments, you cannot proceed with further certification until self-assessments are submitted.
The assessments are in the first section of the manual. Complete both assessments and send them to admin@bqual.com.au for review and certificate issue.
If you have any queries about assessments contact admin@bqual.com.au for further assistance.
Members section of websites.
To access the member section of the B-QUAL and B-TRACE websites you need to create an account.
To do this email the office requesting an account for either website.
Once the account is set you will receive an email requesting to log in and change the initial password. Remember that you must have a separate account for the members section, your app or other passwords will not work.
Our Sponsors:
We acknowledge and thank Steritech and the CMV Group for their valuable ongoing support of B-QUAL and B-TRACE which assists us to continue to participate in research and industry development works that we see as important to our industry.

Please support those who support us.
Contact details
General enquiries for B-QUAL & B-TRACE:
Office: All enquiries. Phone: 07 4994 9820
B-QUAL email: admin@bqual.com.au
B-TRACE email: admin@btrace.com.au
Newsletter disclaimer:
Material and information published in the B-QUAL newsletter are produced for general information only. Although published in good faith, the company and/or any officer of the company will not be liable for any loss suffered by any person for action taken on the basis of such information.